
Price List

> min. price means the minimal price for piece. price can be increased due to extra details or info.

Anime Style


> b/w sketch: $5
> clean b/w sketch: $7
> colored sketch: $10
> no background
> add character +100%


> portrait: $20
> halfbody: $25
> fullbody: $30
> add background: min. +$10 (default is gradient)
> add character +%100

Character Design

> colored sketch: min. $25
> full render: min. $35
> add features will be discussed

Cartoonish Style


> "watercolor" sketch: $5
> shaded "watercolor": $7
> no background
> add character +100%
> add paper texture: free

> b/w sketch: $1
> colored: $3
> no background


> portrait: $10
> halfbody: $15
> fullbody: $20
> add background: min. +$5 (default is white)
> add character +%100

Character Design

> min. price: $25
> add features will be discussed

My Little Pony

> portrait: $25
> halfbody: $35
> fullbody: $50
> add background: min. +$10
> for portraits default bg shown on examples
> for other default bg will be gradient
> add character +%100


> $5 per character
> transparent background

Assistance as Mangaka or as Comic maker

Status: avaible for hiring
! all prices based on time spent !
> Manga sketch: $5 per page
> manga lineart: $10 per page
> manga coloring: $5 per page
> manga everything solo: $15 per page
> comic sketch: $3 per page
> comic lineart: $15 per page
> comic coloring: $15 per page
> comic everything solo: $25 per page

Terms of Service

1.1 when commissioning artist you automatically agree with Tos.
1.2 all payments will be made via paypal.
1.3 when sketch stage is done all refunds will be 50% since part of the work was made.
1.4 when lineart stage is done, any changes will cost extra.
1.5 for non-contour commissions, when painting stage began, any changes will cost extra.
1.6 when accident occured (pc broke, illness, etc) customer will be notified. customer can ask for refund or agree on new deadline.
1.7 all commissioned pieces will be added in artist portfolio and posted in social media. otherwise customer should pay extra fees.
1.8 artist will not provide psd files for commissioned sketches.
1.8.1 customer can ask for psd file for rendered pieces.
1.8.2 artist will always provide psd file for custom character designs.
1.9 customer cannot use commissioned sketches to finish by themselves or with help of another artist.
1.10 customer should always credit an artist.
1.11 customer cannot ask for copyright for commissioned art pieces.
1.12 artist works with full prepayment.
2.1 customer cannot resell custom designed characters. to another person.
2.1.1 customer can give for free custom designed character to another person.
2.2 customer should credit artist's design.
2.3 customer can ask for copyright for custom character for extra fees.
3.1 chibi pieces can be used as twitch/discord emote if artist was notified.4.1 deadline for cartoon and chibi pieces is 1 week.
4.2 deadline for painting pieces is 2 weeks or less.
4.3 deadline for comic/manga assistance should be discussed separately.
4.4 rushing artist will cost extra fees.
4.4.1 rushing comic/manga assistance will increase extra fees significally.
4.5 if artist cannot finish piece in time full refund will be made.
5.1 when hiring artist for comic/manga assistance customer should always credit an artist.
5.2 if comic/manga will be published comercially (reading piece is locked behind paywall) extra fee should be paid.
5.2.1 donations does not count.
5.3 if customer does not want to proceed working with an artist, artist should be notified.
5.3.1 ghosting will result to customer's ban from comissioning.